Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 28, 2014

Merry Christmas sa lahat mga tao!!
This week has been a week of lots and lots of food and spending time with many different families! This last Sunday Ray got to bless the Sacrament! Yay so proud of him! He is such a stud! Also we got to go to the baptism of one of the people that Sister Garrett was teaching in here first area, I was so happy to get to share that happy moment with her.
I found a scripture that I love so much this week in my study! Heleman 5:6 “Remember the name” I really like this scripture, first because it sounds like that NBA song remember the name haha. In this verse it has the word remember 5 times. How important it is for us to remember, remember who we are and what we are doing and where we are going!
We had a Christmas Zone meeting this week and Sister Dahle said something that I really liked. She talked about being TRANSPARENT! Being the same on the inside and the outside. She told a story about when she got what she thought was water from a fountain in a gas station, but it actually turned out the be carbonated water. It was a fake! She went on the tell us that as missionaries and people we should be transparent always. We may not be able to be perfect, but we can always have perfect integrity!
What a blessing it is to be here on a mission! To walk in the footsteps of Christ! I know he lives!
Happy New Years to all!
Sister Dahl

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